Virus infection kinetics

viral infection kinetics

Monitor the percentage of infected cells in a real-time, dye-free setup.

Baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is often used to produce recombinant proteins at various scales. The system is reliable and easy to use. However, understanding the infection kinetics can be difficult since the host response to the virus can be influenced by multiple parameters, such as culture conditions or multiplicity of infection (MOI). Getting an accurate overview of infection progression will help increase the yield and overall product quality.

When a cell becomes infected, its phenotype changes due to alterations in its metabolism. These changes can be seen on the holographic image and captured by the OsOne software, thereby allowing the quantification of infected cells in the culture. Holography is key in this process because this specific technique is able to capture live changes that other methods cannot.

The iLine F analyzer can be used to monitor viral load during a bioreactor run. It provides on-line, continuous monitoring of viable cell density, total cell density, viability and cell diameter, consistently and reproducibly. The measurement of such metrics allows optimization of the viral process (MOI (multiplicity of infection), infection kinetics, optimal time for harvest, etc.). Furthermore, thanks to the single-use, disposable BioConnect, there is no need for sampling which therefore reduces the risks of contamination.

NOTE: The specific virus plays a key role in the process, therefore different viruses may result in different specific holographic signatures . Here, we are only talking about BEVS. However, any other viral vector attacking a host will have the same effect, triggering changes in the host’s cytoplasm, making it possible for holography to distinguish between the cell populations.

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