United Nations estimates that by the year 2050, the population of nearly 10 billion people will have 70% higher food demands than the current food systems can provide for. This needs to be observed in the context of the on-going climate change and related negative effects of the traditional agriculture. Conventional livestock-based value chains contribute to the high greenhouse gas emissions. Meat cultivation via cellular agriculture holds great promise as a method for future food production. Theoretically, it is an ideal way of meat production, humane to the animals and sustainable for the environment, while keeping the same taste and nutritional values as traditional meat. However, in practice, there is still a number of challenges such as large-scale production, regulatory compliance and consumer acceptance. To address these challenges a multidisciplinary approach is necessary. In this optic, we present an overview of the sensor monitoring options for the most relevant parameters for cultured meat bioprocess. Various examples of the sensors to potentially apply in cultured meat production are provided, as well as the options for their integration into different types of bioreactors. Furthermore, we briefly present the current status of the cultured meat research and regulation, societal aspects and its commercialization.