Come and see Jan Van Hauwermeiren at the Boston Bioprocessing summit from the 15th ‘til the 19th of August, he will be pleased to make you experience Ovizio's Smart Cell Monitoring with its cutting edge iLine F on booth 612. Our 3D holographic microscope records 59 parameters per cell, allowing to have a holographic fingerprint of every single cell in your bioreactor and transform single cell data into cell culture intelligence.


Workshop: Continuous Suspension Cell Culture Monitoring in Bioreactors using Quantitative Imaging

Discover how Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) are transforming the R&D landscape. Take part in Jérémie Barbau's presentation at the Applikon workshop in Nottingham and explore how to "advance your upstream processes using PAT". Current Ovizio technology available to address research's technical challenges will be presented and discussed.


Workshop: Biomass Measurements in Process Analytical Technology

Discover how novel techniques for bioreactor monitoring can provide quantitative and qualitative information on your suspension cell cultures. During the workshop led by Dr. Michael Butler, Philip Mathuis will introduce label-free on-line microscopy and data demonstrating how it allows cell counting and viability monitoring with the highest levels of robustness and reliability. Are you ready for next level automated cell count? Join us @ Biomanufacturing Education and Training Center, Worcester, Massachusetts.


Case Study: "PAT can be easy. You just need Smart Solutions"

Philip Mathuis has been invited to share his insight and discuss on PAT. Join him on May 25 at 9.00 am at the A3P Congress and learn how to take control of your process and deliver consistent product quality. Then feel free to pursue the discussion on our booth (#14) and discover our smart solutions to efficiently monitor cell cultures. In real-time.


Seminar: Cultivation Systems: From Discovery to Production - IATA (Valencia)

Welcome to Jan Van Hauwermeiren, our new Business Development Manager. His adventure takes off rapidly. Jan will present: "Application of an in-line cell image analyzer in biotech process" at the Applikon workshop in Valencia! Feel free to join him and discuss about this smart technology!


Poster Presentation: Continuous Suspension Cell Culture Monitoring in Bioreactors using Quantitative Imaging

Attend Ann D'Ambruoso poster presentation at Cell Culture Engineering XV. In the poster, we compared the results generated by the iLine F microscope with a renowned reference method applying automated Trypan-Blue staining. In addition to the benefits of having a continuous monitoring of the culture, a correlation factor of R² = 0.94 was obtained for the viable cell density.

Ovizio at Cell & Gene Therapy World congress in Washington

Come listen to Philip Mathuis Techs of Tomorrow presentation in the Showcase Theater on "In-Process Monitoring of Cell Count and Cell Viability Using Quantitative Microscopy " on Tuesday January 26 at 2.00 PM and attend to the joined talk with MaSTherCell on "Why partnering is key to succeed in cell therapy industrialisation. Case study with Ovizio automated cell counting technology" in the Constitution Ballroom D on Tuesday January 26 at 3.00 PM. Join Philip Mathuis and Serge Jooris to discuss your next challenges in cell counting.

Digital holographic microscopy: a novel tool to study the morphology, physiology and ecology of diatoms.

Eva-Maria Zetsche, Ahmed El Mallahi & Filip J. R. Meysman. Diatom Research, 31:1, 1-16, 2016.

A recent publication by Zetsche et al. (2016) highlights the difficulties in imaging aquatic organisms such as diatoms: “Diatom cells are for the large part transparent, and since transparent substances or objects, by definition, do not absorb light in appreciable quantities when suspended in water, these entities are hard to discriminate and detect by microscopy techniques that rely on intensity information alone”.

“Piper (2011) suggested that interference-based contrast microscopy reveals the shape and structure of cells more clearly, as it improves the plasticity and contour sharpness.” Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is in fact an interference-based approach and Dr. Zetsche and her co-authors are able to show that with DHM “the structural organization of diatoms is more clearly determined, in terms of cellular components, shapes and features.”

Ovizio’s qMod, a differential digital holographic microscopy camera for classical microscopes, is one of the instruments which offers a tool for the improved discrimination of living and dead diatoms (success rate >95%). Possible future applications can be the live-dead discrimination of microscopic aquatic organisms, as well as improved species identification. “Certain species of diatoms are frequently used to assess the water quality of rivers and lakes as well as coastal areas (Anton-Garrido et al. 2013, Kelly et al. 2009, Sabater et al. 2007). DHM may facilitate the live-dead differentiation of cells and thus improve these monitoring procedures” (Zetsche et al. 2016).

Figure: (a) Hologram of a cleaned frustule of  Stauroneis  sp. (University of Gent, Belgium) as obtained with an Ovizio digital holographic microscope. This hologram contains both light-intensity information (b) as well as phase information (c) representing the optical path length (OPL) of the object. (d) The OPL of an object is more clearly visualized with false coloring of the phase information. (Taken from Zetsche et al. 2016)


Ovizio and MaSTherCell joint talk at Cell Therapy Manufacturing & Gene Therapy Congress

Join Philip Mathuis and Alessandra Ferraro (Development Scientist, MaSTherCell) on February 4 at 12.50 PM. They will share their insights on innovative automated technologies for robust Quality Control. Contact us to schedule a meeting and discuss how automation can change the way you count your cells.

Assessing the health status of your cells

Jérémie Barbau, Annick Brandenburger, Marissa Nasshan, Jan Van Hauwermeiren

At Ovizio, we are frequently asked why we chose double digital differential holography microscopy (D3HM) to monitor cell viability. We thought that the most comprehensive way to approach an analytical procedure was to question every aspect of it as a validation method. We asked ourselves: What do we want to measure? How can we measure it? How can this be achieved accurately and precisely? What are the techniques involved? Which one is the best? By reading the results of our study, you will get:

  • A clear understanding of the meaning of accuracy and precision in cell viability
  • An overview of the principles of the different methods, their advantages and limits

An insight comparison of the techniques and instrument monitoring in cell viability in terms of their accuracy and precision

Ovizio white paper