Article: Calculate the "holographic signature" of cells to track processes

It is another great honor being mentioned in the latest edition of “Industrie Pharma” N°98. The iLine F is getting its recognition as the “Shazam” of cell culture, for being able to identify and discriminate between cells. Check out the article to discover how the iLine F monitors 59 parameters, to transform single cell parameters into cell culture intelligence.


Ovizio has been identified as a leader in the global medical holography market

We are honored to be mentioned as one of the companies dominating the global medical holography market, expected to reach 953.9 Million USD by 2021.


BioProcess International selected Ovizio for the “Best Technology Application 2016” awards final

We are proud and glad to have been nominated for our hard work on positioning the iLine F instrument to achieve its mission: making cell culture monitoring smarter.

Stay connected, more to come soon!


Cell Culture Dish is featuring the iLine F in its Cool Tool Segment

Discover how the iLine F is revolutionizing the cell culture monitoring industry, by using 59 single cell parameters and transforming them into cell culture intelligence. Check out the article to get to know more about the latest technology in cell culture monitoring.



Come and see Jan Van Hauwermeiren at the Boston Bioprocessing summit from the 15th ‘til the 19th of August, he will be pleased to make you experience Ovizio's Smart Cell Monitoring with its cutting edge iLine F on booth 612. Our 3D holographic microscope records 59 parameters per cell, allowing to have a holographic fingerprint of every single cell in your bioreactor and transform single cell data into cell culture intelligence.


Workshop: Continuous Suspension Cell Culture Monitoring in Bioreactors using Quantitative Imaging

Discover how Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) are transforming the R&D landscape. Take part in Jérémie Barbau's presentation at the Applikon workshop in Nottingham and explore how to "advance your upstream processes using PAT". Current Ovizio technology available to address research's technical challenges will be presented and discussed.


Workshop: Biomass Measurements in Process Analytical Technology

Discover how novel techniques for bioreactor monitoring can provide quantitative and qualitative information on your suspension cell cultures. During the workshop led by Dr. Michael Butler, Philip Mathuis will introduce label-free on-line microscopy and data demonstrating how it allows cell counting and viability monitoring with the highest levels of robustness and reliability. Are you ready for next level automated cell count? Join us @ Biomanufacturing Education and Training Center, Worcester, Massachusetts.


Case Study: "PAT can be easy. You just need Smart Solutions"

Philip Mathuis has been invited to share his insight and discuss on PAT. Join him on May 25 at 9.00 am at the A3P Congress and learn how to take control of your process and deliver consistent product quality. Then feel free to pursue the discussion on our booth (#14) and discover our smart solutions to efficiently monitor cell cultures. In real-time.


Seminar: Cultivation Systems: From Discovery to Production - IATA (Valencia)

Welcome to Jan Van Hauwermeiren, our new Business Development Manager. His adventure takes off rapidly. Jan will present: "Application of an in-line cell image analyzer in biotech process" at the Applikon workshop in Valencia! Feel free to join him and discuss about this smart technology!


Poster Presentation: Continuous Suspension Cell Culture Monitoring in Bioreactors using Quantitative Imaging

Attend Ann D'Ambruoso poster presentation at Cell Culture Engineering XV. In the poster, we compared the results generated by the iLine F microscope with a renowned reference method applying automated Trypan-Blue staining. In addition to the benefits of having a continuous monitoring of the culture, a correlation factor of R² = 0.94 was obtained for the viable cell density.